Person Sheet

Name Peter* WORDEN627, 10G Grandfather
Birth ca 1576, Clayton, Lancashire, England
Death 9 Mar 1638/9, Plymouth, MA200, p153 Age: 62
Burial Mar 1638/9, Worden-Winslow Cemetary (Now Homer Hall Cem.), E. Dennis, Barnstable, MA
Birth abt 1576, Clayton, Lancashire, England
Father Peter (Robert)* WORDEN (1534-1580)
Mother Isobel* WORTHINGTON (ca1547-1580)
Misc. Notes
Peter Werden came to the United States in very early colonial times, probably in the late 1620s. He settled first in Lynn, New Plymouth Colony (MA), but later moved to Yarmouth (now East Dennis).

We have little official records of Peter except his will dated Yarmouth, February 9, 1938, proven in Plymouth, March 5, 1638. In the calendar of those days, the new year began March 25. This Last Will & Testament was published in the "Mayflower Descendents" Volume 3, 1901, page 75.

Yarmouth was established in 1637. A partial quote from the Dennis-Yarmouth Register published in 1891 states, "Old Werden was doubtless the first Englishman who died and was buried in town. The region of his settlement was in East Dennis. This grave is in the ancient burial place southeast of the Hall, named for him."

The cemetary has in recent years been called the Homer Hall Cemetary instead of the Worden-Winslow Cemetary. The Winslow part of the name coming from Mercy Werden's marriage to Kenelm Winslow. They and many of their descendents are buried there. In 1970, a brass plaque was placed on Peter's grave by the Dennis Cemetary Commission. To quote the Cape Cod Standard Times, "The final resting place was honored with a suitable plaque in simple ceremonies and the ancient cemetary of the Werdens will be preserved as one of the historical spots of Dennis."

Directly across Route 6A in a pasture is a small foundation said to be the house of Peter. The house of Peter II was said to have been on the foundation that now holds the barn. Worden Hall, after a varied career, was purchased by an artist, handsomely restored - the name Worden Hall in gold leaf - and is now a home and art gallery.

It is interesting to note that no Worden has ever lived there. It was built in 1866 and named in memorial of Peter I, the first European land owner in East Dennis.


1841 Old King's Highway (Route 6A), East Dennis, Cape Cod, Mass.
Nancy and Donn Devita, Artists in Residence. Tel. (385-9289)
Peter Werden I
Last Will & Testament [1638]
The last will and testament of Peter Werden, of Yarmouth, Ye elder deceased proved at ye General Court held at Plymouth, the 5th day of March, in ye 13th year of ye reign of our sovereign Lord Charles I, King of England, etc., 1638, by ye oathes of Mr. Nicholas Sympkins, Hugh Tillie, & Giles Hopkins - as followeth.

Be it know unto all men to whom this doth or may concerne, that I, Peter Werden, of Yarmouth, in New England, in the Plymouth Patten being very sicke, in this yeare of our Lord 1638, and on ye 9th day of February, do make my last will to testify unto all that I, Peter Werden, do give and bequeath unto Peter Werden, my only sonne, and sonne and heir, and in the presence of Nicholas Sympkins, Hugh Tillie, and Giles Hopkins, I do make him my whole executor, to whom I do give all my lands, leases, tenements with goods moveable and unmoveable town of in the town of Clayton in the county of Lankester. Likewise do I give unto Peter, my sonne, all my goods which I have at this present in New England. My will is my sonne is to give to John Lewis one nat goat, also my will is my sonne is to give my grandchild such money as is due for the keeping of goates and calves until this day and that my sonne is with the money to buy John a kid to dispose it otherwise for his use. Also one bed or bolster, 3 blankets, also my sonne is to have the tuition of my grandchild until he be at the age of one and twenty years of age, also my will is he shall fynd him with meate, drink and clothes, and at the three last years of the 21 years also to have 40 shillings the year after and above, for to add to his stock with a sowe pigg when the sowe piggs.

In witness we present set our hand
Nicholas Sympkins
Hugh Tilly A His Mark
Giles Hopkins G His Mark
Witnessess deposed 5th March 1638
1 Margaret* GRICE627, 10G Grandmother
Birth ca 1568, England
Death 1612, England Age: 44
Father Thomas* GRICE
Mother Alice*
Marriage ca 1590, England627
Marriage Memo ref 28 says bef 1609
Children Bridget (-1628)
Elizabeth (1605-1635)
Peter* (1609-1679)
Last Modified 14 Feb 2001 Created 26 Jun 2001 by Reunion for Macintosh

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