Person Sheet

Name John FRENCH592, 8G Uncle
Birth 26 Aug 1671, Topsfield, Essex, MA
Death 30 Apr 1730, Norwich, CT Age: 58
Father John* FRENCH (~1637-1706)
Mother Phebe* KEYES (1639-1701)
Misc. Notes
Edgett article: John French was "called yeoman and planter in deeds, removed to Norwich, CT, about 1718.
The first mention of "John french iunr" on the Topsfield town records is found Mar. 3, 1695/6 and from that date to 1709 he was chosen surveyor of highways twice, fence viewer twice, juryman, sonctable, and tythingman, once each. He received the homestead from his father by deed in 1701 and sold it for 400 pounds, June 16, 1718, to Joseph Andren of Boxford, the deed conveying about forty-seven acres...
He was admitted an inhabitant of the town of Norwich in 1724 and died there April 20, 1730, leaving sons Abner, John, Joseph, and Samuel.
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