Person Sheet

Name William* SPOONER, 8G Grandfather
Birth 1622, Colchester, Essex, England627
Death Mar 1683/84, Dartmouth, Bristol, MA Age: 61
Residence Plymouth, MA
Will 8 Mar 1683/84492, p10 Age: 61
Will Memo inventoried 14 March 1683/84
Father John* SPOONER (-1664)
Mother Ann* PECK
Misc. Notes
Plymouth, 1643, is by family tradition said to have come from Colchester, County Essex, had in Mar 1637 been servant or apprentice to John Combe, and after death of Combe was by court in 1645 made guardian of the children on Combe.197, v4p152

was propound. in June 1653 for freem. and adm. next June; was good public servant, surveyor of highways, grand juror 1657, and after 1670 live at Dartmouth197, v4p152

Of Colchester, England, apprenticed himself, 27 March 1637, to John Holmes of New Plymouth in America, gent.; was transferred 1 July 1637 to John Coombs of Plymouth, gent.[Plymouth Col. Rec.]. Settled at Plymouth [POM], until the year 1660 [MA]. Freeman 6 Jun 1654. Surveyor of highways 1654; member Plymouth militia, 1643 [CAD]. Was ordered to pay the debts of his master, Mr. Coombs, and to take care of his children, August 1670 [CAD]. Will dated 8 March, inventory taken 14 March. Aged; bequest to the children named above and Joshua, son of his daughter Hannah {Genealology}[POM]. Was Joshua a son from a previous marriage?(pers. note).209
March 8, 1683/84
The last will & Testament of William Spooner, being aged & weake of body, but yet in perfect understanding & memory, wherein I have disposed of my estate as followeth. In Primis: I give unto my son, John Spooner, that thirty acres of land where he now dwelleth, with Twenty acres more to be added thereunto at ye next devision of Dartmouth lands to him, his heirs & assigns forever; also, I give to my grandson, John Spooner, one-fourth part of a share of all ye undevided lands in ye township of Dartmouth, with two acres of my three acres of good meadow, lying on ye west side of Sconticut neck at ye entering of ye neck, to him, his heirs & assigns forever; also, I give ye bed which I now lodge on unto my aforesaid Grandson; also, I give unto my son, Ebenezer Spooner, eight pounds, to be paid unto him three years after my decease, in good warrent pay.

Also, I give unto my son, Isaac Spooner, five shillings; also, I give unto my son-in-law, John Sherman, my great coat; and unto my daughter, Martha Whing, one cow; also, I give unto my daughter, Hannah & her son, Josua, one cow or the value of a cow; I give also unto my daughter, Mercy, to be delivered unto her two years after my decease [omission by the recorder]; also, I give & bequeath unto my son, Samuel Spooner, my house and ye seat of land belonging to it, both upland and meadow, containing fourty acres, more or less, with one acre of my three acres of good meadow, lying on ye west Side of Sconticutt aforesaid, unto him, his heirs and assigns forever; also, I give all ye rest of my upland already laid out, with one-fourth part of a share of all undevided lands, except that twenty acres I give unto my son John, as aforesaid, to be equally devided between my son Samuel & my son William, to them, their heirs & assigns forever; also, I give ye rest of neat Cattel, to be equally devided amongst my two sons, Samuel & William; also, all ye remainder of my laid-out meadow I give to be equally devided amongst my three sons, John, Samuel and William, to them and their heirs forever; also, I give all my household goods, of all sorts, to be equally devided amongst my son Samuel & my daughter Hannah and my daughter Mercy; also, I make my son Samuel my sole executor, and I have made choice of my tow friends, Seth Pope & Thomas Taber, for my overseets, to see this my will performed.492, p19
1 Elizabeth PARTRIDGE188, 10G Aunt
Birth 1627
Death 28 Apr 1648197, v4p152 Age: 21
Father John* PARTRIDGE (1578-ca1663)
Mother Jane* HOGG (1600-)
Children John (<1648->1734)
2 Hannah* PRATT, 8G Grandmother
Birth ca 1630, Plymouth, MA627
Death 1684, Plymouth, MA627 Age: 54
Father Joshua* PRATT (~1600-1656)
Mother Bathsheba* FAY (1592-1673)
Marriage 18 Mar 1652, Plymouth, MA197
Children Sarah 3 (1653->1720)
Samuel* 4 (1655-1739)
Martha* 5 (ca1657->1717)
William 6 (->1735)
Isaac 7 (-1709)
Ebenezer 9 (1666-1718)
Last Modified 14 Feb 2001 Created 26 Jun 2001 by Reunion for Macintosh

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