Person Sheet

Name Experience* WING, 7G Grandmother
Birth 4 Aug 1668, Sandwich, Barnstable, MA492, p31
Death 1759 Age: 90
Father Daniel* WING (ca1616-1698)
Mother Anna* EWER (1668->1731)
1 Samuel* 4 SPOONER197, v4p152, 7G Grandfather
Birth 14 Jan 1655, Plymouth, MA492, p 29
Death 1739, Dartmouth, Bristol, MA Age: 83
Will 27 Sep 1731 Age: 76
Will Memo proved 19 Feb 1739
Father William* SPOONER (1622-1683)
Mother Hannah* PRATT (ca1630-1684)
Misc. Notes
took oath of allegience 1686197

,492, p29The deed of his homestead conveys "One hundred ond four acres and half, with allowance for barren land and rocky, and also for a way; Situate and being on ye eastward side of Acooshnet river, * * abounds between sd homestead and ye homestead of Thomas Hathway, * * t a fence ye bounds between sd homestead and ye homestead of John Jenne * * ; sd homstead bounded eastward by undivided land, north by ye homestead John Jenne in part, part on ye land of John Spooner, part on ye land of Samuel Spooner; southward on ye homestead of Thomas Hathaway; westward on ye marsh and sd Acoshnet river, qualified by Abraham Tucher's homestead and the land that belongs on ye right of sd Samuel Spooner on ye Eight Hundred Acre division." The date of execution of this deed by the Proprietors was April 9. 1711

He was constable in 1680; and again in1684; served on grand and petit juries and held other positions of trust. He and his brother John, with others of the Dartmouth proprietors were defendants in suits brought by Zachary Allin and others, Oct. 28, 1684, and by William Wood and others, March, 1686. On trial of the first action, the jury "founnd for the defendants with the costs of suit," and in the latter action the plaintiffs were non-suited.492, p 29
In the name of God, Amen. This twenty-first day of September, 1731, I, Samuel Spooner, of Dartmouth, in the County of Bristol, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, Yeoman, Do make this my last Will and Testament, respecting such worldly estate as it hath please God to bless me with, I give and dispose of in the following manner & form:

Imp's.--My will is and I hereby give and bequeth to Experience, my dearly beloved wife, on feather bed and furniture to it, at her electin, with all other my household goods and utensils within doors during her widowhood, and that with what my three sonns, viz: Williams, Samuel and Seth, are otherwise obilged to do for her inerests, will be an honorable support for her during her remaining my widow.

Item - I give to my three sons, William, Samuel and Seth, & it to be to them, their heirs and assigns forever, all my Cedar & Spruce Swamp lying in Dartmouth, and the same to be divided between them in manner following, that is to say: William to have the one-fifth part thereof, and Samuel to have the one-fifth part thereof, and Seth to have three-fifths parts thereof; and this I give them with a charge to be kind to their honored mother and brother Jashub, and provide for them as they shall stand in need, as by covenant they are obiged unto.

Item-I give unto my son, Daniel Spoonerk besides what I have already given, on shilling out of my moveable estate, immediately after my death.

Item - I give to my son Jashub, one shilling out of my estate, with a disire of his good careage under the provision I have made for his comfortable supprt by his brothers, William, Samuel and Seth Spooner.

Item - I give to my son, Seth Spooner, whom I constitute and appoint sole executor of this my last will and testament, all my out door moveables, as creatures and husbandry tackling, and he to pay all my just debts, as by covenant he is obliged to do.

Item - I give to my five daughters, Mary, Hannah, Annna, Experience and Beulah, besides what I have heretofore given them, one shilling apiece, each of them; and that, with the legacies I have ordered my sons, Daniel and Wing Spooner, to pay them with what household goods shall remain after my wife's decease which I give her the improvement of, together with such moveable estate as I have not in this my will before disposed of, to be eually divided between them, my said five daughters, and that to be their portion of my estate.

Lastly - Whatever estate in lands that I shal be the owner of, or that in any way be appertainging to me that I have not already disposed of, the same. what or wheresoever, be equally divided between all my sons, and to be to them, their heirs and assiogns forever; and I do hereby retigy this and no other to by my last Will and Testament.

In witness wereof, I have hereunto set my hand an seal, the day and year above writtten."492, p31
Marriage 1688
Children William 28 (1688-1750)
Mary 29 (1691-)
Samuel 30 (1692-1781)
Daniel 31 (1693-ca1797)
Seth 32 * (1694-1787)
Hannah 33 (1697-)
Joseph 34 (1698-)
Anna 35 (1700-)
Experience 36 (1702-)
Beulah 37 (1705-)
Last Modified 23 Jan 2001 Created 26 Jun 2001 by Reunion for Macintosh

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