Person Sheet

Name Dr. Peter* BULKLEY504, v1p111, 7G Grandfather
Birth 12 Aug 1643, Concord, MA
Death 1691, Fairfield, CT Age: 47
Will 25 Mar 1691 Age: 47
Occupation Apothecary
Father Rev. Peter* BULKELEY (1582-1658)
Mother Grace* CHETWOOD (~1602-1669)
Misc. Notes
PETER, Fairfield, youngest s. of the Rev. Peter, a physician, in his will of 25 Mar. 1691, in 49th yr. of his age, as he calls it, of course younger than his namesake neph. names two eldest ds. Grace and Margaret, and s. Peter, seven and a quarter yrs. old, but refers to other childr. without nam. Gershom, and Dorothy, for wh. we are compel. to turn this will, but declin. to act. His est. was small, and two neph. John and Joseph, wh. resid. at F. undertook admin. and soon gave it up. No small dexterity is need. to avoid confus. betw. the Peter of Edward, the Peter of Gershom, wh. I intentional. omit, and the Peter of Peter, wh. is entit. to a place here, as s. of one wh. came from Eng. 197

By Elizabeth Hubbell SCHENCK p. 359.

     Dr. Peter, the youngest son of the Rev. Peter BULKLEY did not settle at Fairfield until some time after his brothers. He probably married Margaret FOXCROFT, of Boston, as in a record in A. of T. D. he sold to the heirs of Francis FOXCROFT all interest he and his wife had in said FOXCROFT's house in Boston, for £90. Francis FOXCROFT is said to be the son of Daniel FOXCROFT, mayor of Leeds, in Co. York, & his second wife was Eliza, daughter of Gov. DANFORD. Dr. Peter BUCKLEY was an apothecary as well as a physician in Fairfield. He left but a small estate. His will is dated 25 March 1691, in which he calls himself "in the 49th year of his age," mentions son Peter (born 1683) then seven, & a quarter years old, who upon arriving at a suitable age, he willed should be bound to Jmes BENNET Jr. until of age, to be taught "the art of weaving both linen & woolen, to ye best of his capacity." he mentions daughters Grace, Margaret & Hannah SHERMAN. His brother Rev. Dr. GershomBUCKLEY of Weathersfield, mentions two other children of Dr. Peter BUCKLEY's viz: Gershom & Dorothy.

Compilied By
Donald Lines JACOBUS, M.A.

(Dr.) Peter BULKELEY (Peter1), born at Concord, Mass., 12 August 1643, died at Fairfield, Conn., in 1691; married Margaret         , who died before 1691.

He was a member of the class of 1662 at hrvard College, but did not receive a degree.

The will of Peter, dated 25 March 1691, two eldest daughters Grace and Margrit; "that fflock bed yt is at Hanna SHERMANS there let it remain: or if young James BENNIT have it it shall be only upon Courtisey"; Peter to be apprenticed to James to learn weaving; mentioned a mare now at Daniel SILLIMAN's; brother Gershom BULKLY sole Executor. The Executor refusing, to administration was granted to John and Joseph BULKLEY and Samuel ROBENSON, any two of them.

His inventory, dated 17 July 1691, included "mediene simple & in Composition" valued at £25 and "Books Inglish and Latin." He was a physician.

On 29 June 1688 Peter BULKLEY of Fairfield, apothecary, and Margaret his wife, mortgaged his dwelling house and land in Fairfield for £90 to Frances FOXCROFT of Boston, merchant; deed witnessed by Thomas HILL and Frances SEDENHAM. On 31 March 1691Mstrs. SEDENHAM of Fairfield as Attorney to Francis FOXCROFT of Boston entered a caveat against peter BULKLY's house and land in Fairfield, in reference to a suit in law to be brought before the next Fairfield County Court. Claims which have been made to the effect that Peter's wife was a FOXCROFT are based on nothing more substantial than these two entries in the land records. thep prove nothingof the kind; and investigation leads to the negative conclusion that Margaret was not a FOXCROFT.

Peter's five children are named in the will of his brother, Rev. Gershom, and there is nothing to indicate that there were other surviving children. Statements that he had a daughter Hannah who married Matthew SHERMAN seem to owe their origin to the clause in his will quoted above. A monument erected in 1885 in the Stratfield Cemetery names the wife of Matthew SHERMAN as "Hannah BULKLEY."
1 Margaret*504, v1p111, 7G Grandmother
Children Grace (ca1672-)
Margaret (ca1674-)
Gershom (1676-)
Peter (1683-)
Dorothy* (ca1687-1734)
Last Modified 21 Feb 2001 Created 26 Jun 2001 by Reunion for Macintosh

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