Person Sheet

Name Sarah* HOTCHKISS, 7G Grandmother
Birth 16 May 1648, New Haven, CT
Death 1712 Age: 63
Baptism 1675 Age: 26
Father Samuel* HOTCHKISS (ca1622-1663)
Mother Elizabeth* CLEVERLY (1621-1681)
1 Jeremiah* JOHNSON, 7G Grandfather
Birth ca 1640, New Haven, CT
Death 1703/04, Derby, CT573 Age: 63
Burial Old Colonial Burying Ground, Derby CT
Residence 2 Mar 1672, Paugassett (Now Derby), CT.172,573 Age: 32
Residence Memo resided on land granted him on Sentilnel Hill
Baptism 16 May 1675, Milford, CT499 Age: 35
Baptism Memo as an adult at First Congregational Church
Will 12 Dec 1692, Derby, CT573 Age: 52
Father Thomas* JOHNSON (~1615-1640)
Mother Helena*
Misc. Notes
Jeremiah Johnson came from New Haven [to Derby] March 2-1672 and occupied land granted to him on Sentinel Hill.

Derby Published Land Rec. pp. 78. "At a meeting of ye Inhabitants of pagassett Mar. 2-1672, the inhabitants have granted to Jeremiah Johnson a tract of land on Sentinel Hill, 30 acres more or less, bounded west by land of Sergt. Riggs, Francis French and Joshua Hodgkis, south by highway and east with the common, northeast with ye town's land. This land is granted to ye sd Jeremiah Johnson provided ye sd Jeremiah Johnson come and settle at Pagassett, build and fence within 2 years after this Debate."

'At a Town Meeting att Derby Dec. 26-1677 granted to Jeremiah Johnson Sen. a piece of land joyning to his former grant of pastor land."

In 1681 Jeremiah Johnson's estate is listed as "2 persons 36¦., 1 ox, 1 cow, 2- 4 yr olds, 1-3 yr old, 1 two yr old, 2 yearlings, 1 horse, 1-3 yr old, 4 swine, Land 80¦. 10s."

Hist. of Derby, pp. 109. List of those in town in Mar. 1702. Jeremiah Johnson, Jeremiah Jr. and Dr. Durand amongst them.

Hist. of Derby, pp. 83. In 1681 Jeremiah Johnson's land consisted of 3 1/2 acres Home lot, 4 acres on Sentinel Hill, 3 acres of meadow at Rimmon, 5 acres of plow land.

In the Hist. of Derby is the following, Mar. 15- 1670. The inhabetants of Pagaset are as foloeth: Ed. woster: frances French: Joseph hawkins: Samuel Riges: Ephraim Smith: Abell Gun: Stephen person: Jerymiah Johnson. (probably 1670).

feb. 29: 1671 Mr. joseph hawley hath his fourth Division on Sentanal Hill Nere Jerymiah johnsons field.

"Att a meting of the planters of Pagaset: Dec. 12. 1673: they have granted To Jerymiah johnson a pece of land for a pastar being on the South Side of the brock that lieth against his hous."

"Dec. 30- 1678: The Town have granted to Jer: Johnson Twenty acres of land at the loer end of the plaine against Rock Rimmon."

Jeremiah Johnson was a very influential man in Derby and held many of the Town's offices. In 1680 he was appointed Constable, which appointment he also held in 1683, in 1685 he was appointed Townsman, on Dec. 3-1692 Jeremiah Johnson Sen. "one of a Comitty to secure a minister also appointed Cunstable."

"July 27: 1693 at a lawful town meting agreed to send to Mr. James to com and give us a vizet and let us assist in his labor. Jeremiah Johnson senneor to go to him."

"November 13: 1693 at a lawful town meting at derby the town have hirered the north end of the hous that was Doctor guns, lower and uper rome and half the Seller, use of the oven opning, with the north west end of the barn, and the town is to give Jeremiah Johnson seneor 20 shillings a yer for them:"

"March 8-1695 at a lawful town meeting at derby the town hired the house and the South end of the barn that was Doctor guns of Jeremiah Johnson Sener and they are to give him on pound ten shiling a year for them, only Jeremiah Johnson Juner is to remouv out of the hous with his family by the first of may next. further at the sam time the town have chosen Jeremiah Johnson Juner to looke out and get too thousand foot bords for the ministers hous."

Dec. 11: 1702. Jeremiah Johnson Seneor was appointed one of the collectors of the ministers salary, which was after the ministers house was built (now standing on Elm St. Ansonia, the home also of Rev. Daniel Humphreys) and Mr. James was settled in it as their minister.

As a specimen of their devotion to their church, the following story is told in Orcutt's Hist. of Derby. During the early days of the settlement before they had the services of a minister, it was customary for the few families then living in Derby to go to Milford to meeting. The father of a family named Johnson (and there was but one here then), consisting of the parents and several small children, went on Sunday morning to Milford for the two services. After his departure as his wife was sitting by the open door dressing the children, she heard a sound outside and thought it was a hog, but somehow it seemed different so she reached and closed the door which fastened with a latch and then rising made it more secure with a bar and went upstairs and looked out of the window, when lo! a full grown bear was seen; she took the gun always ready in those days of Indian alarms and fired killing the animal, although she did not know that for certain until her husband returned at close of day. The hours went slowly there alone in the midst of the wilderness until he came, when he called a council of the neighbors with him to decide whether it would be lawful to eat the meat of an animal killed on Sunday. It was finally decided to be "Christianly consistent to eat the meat as it was killed in self defence."

Jeremiah Johnson Sr. died in 1703-4 and was buried in the old Colonial Burying Ground, Derby Ct.

In New Haven Probate Records, vol. 3, pp. 35, is given amongst the estate of Jeremiah Johnson of Derby, June 3-1704. "gun, sword and ammunition." Sarah Johnson named administrator, appraisers, Abel Holbrook, Jeremy Johnson, Daniel Hotchkiss, Jobamah Gunn and others "Witness that we whose names are under written have agreed thus, that Moses and Ebenezer Johnson do acknowledge themselves bound to ye fullfilment of a former agreement made between our Father and them which is as follows, to wit that the said Moses and Ebenezer did engage to till yearly for winter corn for our mother her use and improvement and harvest ye crop, 5 acres of land at Sentinel Hill and for further improvement 2 acres in ye close and also to Provide her a comfortable home to live in as also to find her with firewood, as also hay for her cattle and get it home, our mother having the whole of the moveable part of our father's estate at her disposal. Agreed at the same time that Jeremiah enjoy that part of the homestead he now stands possessed of, as also 6 acres of land on Sentinel Hill joining to the north side of his own land he Jeremiah resigning his right to that part of the Pasture formerly given him. Agreed at the same time that John Johnson have for his part of the land on Sentinel Hill, 5 acres joining to the north side of above and that Samuel Johnson have 5 acres north side of John's land. Also Moses and Ebenezer agree to pay all debts. Also to pay to our two sisters Abigail and Elizabeth Johnson 5¦. apiece. After all which upon the mother's decease the remainder to be divided between Moses and Ebenezer." Signed Jeremiah, John, Moses, Ebenezer and Elizabeth and before the children's signatures that of the mother, Sarah Johnson. 573

"Dec. 12: 1692 ey Jeremiah Johnson Sen of derby in new england do give to my oldest son thes pasuld of land as foloweth, i say I do freely, volentaryly give to Jeremiah gunier my oldest son namely half of my hom lot containing 2 acres be it more or less, further I the said Jeremiah John seneor do give to the aboue said gunier foure acres of my paster."
Marriage 1662, New Haven, CT
Children Jeremiah* (1664-1726)
William (1665-)
John (1666-)
Samuel (1670-)
Moses (1674-)
Last Modified 23 Jan 2001 Created 26 Jun 2001 by Reunion for Macintosh

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